Eye of Shegan (Syri Sheganit)

Eye of Shegan (Syri Sheganit) Claimed

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Albania boasts several stunning natural wonders, including the mesmerizing blue-eyed phenomenon known as the Eye of Shegan (Syri i Sheganit). Located near Kosan village in Bajza commune, close to Shkodra Lake, this karst spring is a must-visit for travelers seeking unique experiences.

The water of the Eye of Shegan is renowned for its intense blue color and purity, resembling water flowing from the Western Albanian Alps. Despite its beauty, the spring’s depths remain somewhat mysterious, with expeditions reaching depths of up to 80 meters before encountering a collapsed underwater cave that obstructs further exploration. This adds to the allure of the site, attracting both tourists and scientists interested in its geological significance.

Visitors to the Eye of Shegan can enjoy a family-friendly day out, marveling at the striking natural landscape and perhaps even taking a refreshing dip in its cool waters. However, it’s essential to follow the recommended route for reaching the spring: Start from Shkodra and follow the itinerary through Koplik, Ivanaj, Gashaj, and finally Shegan. This ensures a smooth and scenic journey to this hidden gem.

While Shkodra and its surrounding areas offer numerous attractions, from historic sites like Rozafa Castle to outdoor activities like birdwatching and hiking, the Eye of Shegan stands out as a unique natural phenomenon deserving of attention. Whether you’re a nature enthusiast, a curious traveler, or a scientist eager to explore its depths, this blue-eyed wonder promises an unforgettable experience in Albania’s diverse landscape.



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