You Should go to Shiroka
If you have never been to Shiroke, on the lake of Shkodra, you are missing out on one of earth’s natural wonders! The lake of Shkodra is a lake on the border of Montenegro with Albania, the largest lake in the Balkan Peninsula. It is named after the city of Shkodra. During the communist regime access to the lake was prohibited except for the elite party members. In the lat 20 years, after the fall of the regime, the lake area has seen some improvements.
A new bridge has been constructed allowing wider access from Shkodra and restaurants have been built on the shore of the lake with spectacular views of the mountains. There is still much to be done in the way of cleaning up the area surrounding the lake, however Rome was not built in a day and I ‘m sure that with time this lake will see a revitalization unparalleled to none. The location of the lake is amazing, beyond amazing, etheral really, especially if you catch it at the right time of day like I did, about 3:30 pm. The reflection of the sun starting to settle cast a luminous shadow on the lake and I kid you not, the reflection was like looking in a mirror, simply and naturally beautiful!
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